суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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(Broken record time) I am really concerned about my office.� We keep taking hit after hit in layoffs, and frankly, I donapos;t see how this office can stay in business until the end of the year.� This is one of those situations where it does not make sense to look�for something else at this time, cause 1. There is not that much out there, and 2. I would be in line for a decent severance and unemployment benefits, for�a while,�at least.�

Anyway, I am still trying to be very zen about the whole thing.� If/when the time comes, there is no life line,�no "let�me see what I can do," no�begging for clemency.� Ainapos;t gonna work.

This weekend cannot get here fast enough.� I did only work 4 days this week, but bejeezus, they�were dreary days.� We have a lot on the social part of our calendar this weekend, so�it will be good to get�out and see people.� I do think some fermented beverages may�cause some temporary amnesia about my plight.� Oh, and My Handsome Man is officially out of a job as of today.� Sigh.�

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