вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

celin deion

See, this is why giving people unrestricted Internet access in their offices is a bad idea. They spend far more of their time fooling about online than they do trying to get their heads round the intricacies of linear systems but can you blame them?

Well, unrestricted apart from Flash, I should say. That was a nasty surprise on Friday when I realised just how much you actually use it for... Though I should have remembered. I have encountered this deficiency before when trying to follow live tennis scores. Damn. Looks like Iapos;m going to be, er, working from home during the Wimbledon fortnight then When Iapos;m not actually there watching tennis that is; Joanna and I have decided weapos;re definitely going to see some live tennis next summer.

Was just about to go to bed last night when I realised that I had left my alarm clock in Chiswick. Under Sarahapos;s bed, in fact. The damned thing makes such a loud ticking noise itapos;s possible she will have thought Iapos;d put a bomb under there. I had to work out how to set the alarm on my phone to enable me to get up this morning.

And my legs are stiff... Though that might be something to do with the fact that on Saturday I ran from Chiswick to Roehampton and back again, then walked from Chiswick to Wimbledon, and yesterday morning I walked from Chiswick to Notting Hill. (I had intended to walk from Chiswick to Camden Town, in which case my legs would probably by now have dropped off, but due to the events of Saturday night I did not get up early enough to do so. I may describe these events later at a time when I am not supposed to be working.)

So I was in Wimbledon on Saturday evening, and the weather was really good and there were loads of people standing round outside pubs and restaurants and stuff, and I thought what a nice place it looked to come for a meal and how Iapos;d really have to talk Joanna into doing that one evening. Then I thought how much less nice it would be bound to look if it were freezing cold and pouring with rain. On the odd occasions I have found myself in Wimbledon in the past it has always been gloriously (and unseasonably) warm. It is nothing more nor less than a certainty that when I go next summer for the tennis it will rain incessantly throughout my entire visit.

etched plastic, celin deion, celin deion lyrics, celin deon.

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