суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Name: N



writing, drawing, RPGing, driving, listening to and playing music, reading

Three of four positive things about you:
1 - Iapos;m a good listener. I may not talk much myself, but if anyone ever needs to unload they usually come to me for advice or just an ear.
2 - Iapos;m humble. I donapos;t act like Iapos;m better than anyone else, and I donapos;t flaunt what I have - or complain about what I donapos;t.
3 - Iapos;m a good leader. Iapos;m good at making plans and integrating everyone into them so that everyone benefits.

Three of four negative things about you:
1 - Iapos;m shy. I have a very hard time talking to people, and I tend to walk with my head down.
2 - I have a severe and permanent case of road rage. I donapos;t know why, but I get a headache going any slowler than 55. :P
3 - Iapos;m a bit impatient. I suppose this ties into my previous statement a bit, but when I have to wait for stuff I end up getting antsy.

Favorite Book:
I love to read, so this question is a bit hard. However, if I had to narrow it down to a few, I suppose these would be my choices: The Transall Saga - Gary Pulsen, The Invisible Man - H.G. Wells, Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury, On the Road - Jack Kerouac, In A Sunburned Country - Bill Bryson

Favorite Movie:
Oi, thatapos;s a hard one. Again, if I had to narrow it though, these would be the ones: The Mad Max Trilogy, PotC Trilogy, Sweeney Todd, Finding Nemo, Big Trouble in Little China, Escape From New York, Escape From LA (Iapos;m a Carpenter/Russell fan... :P)

Quote I Live By: "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some sort of batle."

~ Am I ~

Good or Evil:
I ride the fine line of grey that is between the two. Iapos;m not righteous nor am I hellspawn.

Dreamy or Realistic: Iapos;d have to say dreamy, definitely. I always loose myself in my artwork, or in the stories I read or write, and I daydream a lot.

Introvert or Extrovert: This is an easy one - Introvert. Iapos;d like to be a bit more sociable, but I just kind of freeze up around people. I never know what to say so most of the time I donapos;t say anything. :(

Innocent or Cynical:
Lilapos; bit of both. Iapos;ve been around long enough to see that things in this life arenapos;t quite sunshines and rainbows - but then again, I still have the rest of my life to live and I have yet to see the entire world, so I am sure thereapos;s something out there Iapos;m innocent or inexperienced about.

~Sweeney ~

My favorite character is: Sweeney, hands down. He follows the beliefs stated in one of my favorite quotes, one which I believe myself: "Revenge is a dish best sereved cold."

My least favorite character is: Johanna. Get off your butt and run away Do something besides sit in the window

My favorite Sweeney song is: My favorite song is easily "My Friends", especially with Depp singing (though I love it with any of the actors). This song has such emotion in it, such a longing - but it also has hope for what is to come.

I like Sweeny because: Itapos;s a fantastic mix of gothic horror, gore, unrequitted love and comedy. The songs are great, and the tale itself is definately one of a kind. After Hollywoodapos;s zillionth remake/sequel it was refreshing to see such a film.

Please post 3 or more clear photos of yourself. If you do not feel comfortable with this, please describe yourself.
Umm, well....Iapos;m tallish, with shoulder length slightly curly light brown hair. I have bright green eyes that have seen their share of pain and sadness but are always willing to brighten with a laugh. I usually wear jeans, cowboy boots (or Chuck Taylors) and nice tee shirts that have something to do with music or things I like.

Current Mood: Sleepy

Current Tuneage - apos;Headed For A Heartbreakapos; - Winger

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crystal falls realty

"Hmm.. That was quick."

Leave it to Azurite to build it so quickly. Zoisite stood outside a large building, nestled about a quarter of a mile from the Black Moon Palace. The portal that connected her husbandapos;s kingdom to her sonapos;s was only a short walk away.

"One large training room, one small training room, a kitchen and dining area, storage, and 12 small rooms. As you requested, Mom." Azurite walked towards his mother, reading off from a list he had in his hand. "All built. Itapos;s not completely ready yet, though."

Zoisite was still getting use to seeing her youngest son dressed so sharply, with his bangs slicked back. There were so many changes to the men in her life, recently. "The dorms still need to be decorated and furnished.. Right?"

Azurite nodded, "I told Ame to do all that, she seemed excited." The prince smiled. "And I still have a lot of security to install. The barriers you wanted are going to take while."

"Mn.." Zoi grinned a bit and looked to the building, "Itapos;s so lovely, Azurite.. I wouldnapos;t want the recruits to tear it down on the first day."

The young man went a bit pale, "T-they better not.."

The blonde queen blinked and laughed, "They shouldnapos;t be powerful enough, yet. But thatapos;s what the barriers are for, right? To absorb the energy from dodged blasts and the like."

Azurite nodded, still looking a little unhappy that a buncha kids might mess up his building. "Oh, did you know? Malaia is on the recruits list." He asked as he handed her a piece of paper with a list of current sign ups.

"Malaia, huh? I wonder if she can even pass the tryouts.."

The blonde woman scanned the list, "...Kusairo.. Must be Kaoliniteapos;s youngest son.. Takeshi.. That sounds familiar.." Zoisite looked to the first name.

"Ah, mom.. You know that grin is kinda unnerving.." Az said as he watched his mother.

"Hmm?" Zoi blinked and looked to her son, "Oh.." A soft chuckle, "Sorry.. Just that I think Iapos;ve found someone I want to train personally."

"Uh huh.." Azurite felt sorry for whoever the Takeshi person was. His mother reminded him of a cat stalking and getting ready to pounce on a fat mouse.

Zoi shook her head and hugged her son, making the piece of paper vanish. "Thanks for all the work." She said as she walked back towards the palace.

Revenge was going to be sweet.

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f dumoulin and co shotgun

(Broken record time) I am really concerned about my office.� We keep taking hit after hit in layoffs, and frankly, I donapos;t see how this office can stay in business until the end of the year.� This is one of those situations where it does not make sense to look�for something else at this time, cause 1. There is not that much out there, and 2. I would be in line for a decent severance and unemployment benefits, for�a while,�at least.�

Anyway, I am still trying to be very zen about the whole thing.� If/when the time comes, there is no life line,�no "let�me see what I can do," no�begging for clemency.� Ainapos;t gonna work.

This weekend cannot get here fast enough.� I did only work 4 days this week, but bejeezus, they�were dreary days.� We have a lot on the social part of our calendar this weekend, so�it will be good to get�out and see people.� I do think some fermented beverages may�cause some temporary amnesia about my plight.� Oh, and My Handsome Man is officially out of a job as of today.� Sigh.�

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counter revolution france

The first invite I got is for a surprise party for Tiffany thrown by her roommate.� Now, I donapos;t know that many girls named Tiffany, but just looking at the subject header I wasnapos;t absolutely sure I wasnapos;t the intended addressee.� Until I saw that the party was in Brooklyn.� I suppose the good news is that since I have no idea who this Tiffany is or how to get in touch with her, I wonapos;t accidentally spoil the surprise.� Ummm...� if by chance you are a Tiffany who lives in Brooklyn (and if you are why are you reading my boring LJ?), please disregard this message.

But by far the more exciting invite I have received for someone who is most definitely not me is from "the professor".� I donapos;t want to paste the full invite details, but letapos;s cover what the professor said would be highlighted:
  • Toy Basics
  • Pole Lessons
  • Bondage
  • Various Oral Techniques
  • Gifts and surprises
Yup, no doubt about it, my alts are having a more exciting life than I am.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

electric morph

Oprah did a segment today called Are You Rude? Take the Test�
They did an interview to people with regards to their pet peeves. The Audience talk about loud cellphone users and people who are "chronically" late and etc.
I�have to say that is also one of my pet peeve. Although I�have to admit when I�was younger I�was constantly late to school, and most of the time when I�have to meet friends out.�Later on when Karma hits back, people started doing it to me and It was not the best feeling in the world. So I�have matured in a way that I�told myself I have to stop being late.�Seriously, people have to respect somebody else time as much as they respect theirs.
Talk about being rude.
I�hate people who are rude, but I�really hate those who are just� trying hard to be rude. (parang feeling mataray lang. Di naman kagandahan)
My friend from Florida and I�had such a nasty experience shopping at Century 21 this weekend.�(kairita the girlash)
We were trying on shoes and the always crowded department store does not have much seats around. We were not even seated, Shiela was trying on the shoes standing up. Her bag was just on the seat and there was still a lotta space for at least 3 people to sit on. Suddenly, this Chinese woman came and moved Shielaapos;s handbag kicked her boots, all this happening infront of us We were just in shock. She must have been having a bad day because she looked it, but seriously???
I�just thank God I�donapos;t experience rudeness as often as other people experience it. GOLDEN�RULE�guys
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bag bin fashion show

Mom (speaking in Chinese): Whatapos;s apos; menopauseapos; in English?
Me: What?
Mom: apos;Menopause.apos;� How do you say that in English?

Me: Oh, I think itapos;s called apos;menopause.apos;� Here, let me write it for you.
Mom: Oh OK.� So whatapos;s that called in men?
Me (all of a sudden becoming unsure if she actually said menopause in Chinese, or if she meant something else): WHAT?
Mom: Well, men have behavioral and biological changes too when they reach that age.� Whatapos;s that called in English?
Me: I have no idea, but itapos;s not called menopause.
Mom: Hmm...OK.� Hey, whatapos;s apos;condomapos; called in English?
Me (not sure what I heard): What?
Mom: I said, whatapos;s condom called in English?
Me (making sure that I heard her right): Um...could you explain what you mean?
Mom: Goodness, someone your age doesnapos;t know what that is?� Itapos;s when you wanna mess around with someone and you put that THING on� You know, it looks like a little baggie?
Me: Oh, you mean for a guy?
Me: I think itapos;s called a condom....

I�donapos;t know why she wants to know what condom is called in English, but I think sheapos;s just trying to expand her vocabulary, though I can only think of a few instances in which she would need to use that word.� I wrote apos;menopauseapos; and apos;condomapos; on a scratch piece of paper for her, and I hope nobody else in the house happens to come across it.

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

curious george party items

I retract previous lj statement. I think�I am getting sick.

Headaches gotten worse and worse all day and my brain is steadily turning to goo and my cough sounds horrible (and I�think my nose is starting to go blocky)

So, I�figure Iapos;ll be able to get the two presentations I�need to do done this week (tomorrows one will be a pain though, given Iapos;m reading and Iapos;m not getting remembering it two minutes later) but that essay due this Friday. I�need to figure out the best way to ask for an extension. I donapos;t care that you think Iapos;ve had all semester dude, you only gave us guidelines and a due date like two weeks ago�None of us have any idea on what you want.

Sleep would be nice.

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celin deion

See, this is why giving people unrestricted Internet access in their offices is a bad idea. They spend far more of their time fooling about online than they do trying to get their heads round the intricacies of linear systems but can you blame them?

Well, unrestricted apart from Flash, I should say. That was a nasty surprise on Friday when I realised just how much you actually use it for... Though I should have remembered. I have encountered this deficiency before when trying to follow live tennis scores. Damn. Looks like Iapos;m going to be, er, working from home during the Wimbledon fortnight then When Iapos;m not actually there watching tennis that is; Joanna and I have decided weapos;re definitely going to see some live tennis next summer.

Was just about to go to bed last night when I realised that I had left my alarm clock in Chiswick. Under Sarahapos;s bed, in fact. The damned thing makes such a loud ticking noise itapos;s possible she will have thought Iapos;d put a bomb under there. I had to work out how to set the alarm on my phone to enable me to get up this morning.

And my legs are stiff... Though that might be something to do with the fact that on Saturday I ran from Chiswick to Roehampton and back again, then walked from Chiswick to Wimbledon, and yesterday morning I walked from Chiswick to Notting Hill. (I had intended to walk from Chiswick to Camden Town, in which case my legs would probably by now have dropped off, but due to the events of Saturday night I did not get up early enough to do so. I may describe these events later at a time when I am not supposed to be working.)

So I was in Wimbledon on Saturday evening, and the weather was really good and there were loads of people standing round outside pubs and restaurants and stuff, and I thought what a nice place it looked to come for a meal and how Iapos;d really have to talk Joanna into doing that one evening. Then I thought how much less nice it would be bound to look if it were freezing cold and pouring with rain. On the odd occasions I have found myself in Wimbledon in the past it has always been gloriously (and unseasonably) warm. It is nothing more nor less than a certainty that when I go next summer for the tennis it will rain incessantly throughout my entire visit.

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понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.


I spent tonight with my dad at a brewpub in Evansville, Turoniapos;s, that I never knew existed before. We got a pizza loaded with peppers and a pitcher of nourishing black lager.

Iapos;m on a sort of loosely-adapted vacation from work the next few days, which is to say thereapos;s a certain amount Iapos;ve mapped and a certain amount which will be played by ear. My ultimate goal is get up to The House on the Rock to revel in its aura of Neil Gaiman mysticism. Along the way I also want to take in The Sears Tower (from the inside), WonderDawg, and the Frank Lloyd Wright tour.

My desirables would be getting in two days of hiking in Wisconsin (otan let me borrow his field guide to the state), and my statics are taking in atleast three craft breweries along the way.
depsi, depsi peptide.